Thursday, November 21, 2013

References Shi, Yuyan, Sears, Lindsay E, Coberley, Carter R, Pope, James E.. The Association Betwee

Poor mental health and too little physical exercise has a greater impact on the productivity of a business donuts than other health risks. Increased donuts wellness through measures that can contribute to better health, healthier lifestyle and a better work environment can increase productivity and profitability for the company.
Costs associated with the absence of workers, donuts or workers who are at work but not fully involved in their work, is estimated at 2259 billion donuts dollars in the United States each year. In Spain, donuts this cost amounted to 4.2 percent of gross domestic product. This shows that investing in employee health may cause the employer in the long run save large sums. This according to a study published donuts in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (joem) in April 2013 1. Measures to reduce health risks
Participants in the study were 19 121 employees in five different employers / companies. The authors donuts show that a new comparison they made, confirming previous findings that poor mental health (stress, depression and functional problems) and too little exercise, had a greater impact on productivity donuts than other health risks.
The authors also found that recurrent pain, high blood pressure, and an unhealthy diet had a significant impact on productivity. Measures implemented in the study, which aimed to reduce these health risk areas. 25 percent reduction in health donuts risk
After the five employers did various measures in the workplace to increase employee well-being, 25 percent are able to reduce their physical health risks. 26 percent had healthier donuts habits, 16 percent got better social and emotional health, and 31 percent reduction in work-related health risks. These changes were in addition donuts to a reduction in the absence of 27 percent. 53 percent of the participants had the same health risks as at the start of study, while 20 percent increased risk. For those who reduced health risks, the authors found a reduction in absenteeism and increased workload / performance.
Health-related risks like high blood pressure, recurrent pain, unhealthy diet, too little exercise donuts and poor mental health were more prevalent at study start, and had a greater impact on production. Other types of risk that had nothing donuts to health to do, like a bad relationship with his superior, or not to apply their strengths at work, and an organization that was little support in terms of employee well-being, were also important factors that affected production over time.
In conclusion the authors write that the results may indicate that production targets can be improved over time, and that multidimensional program to increase employee well-being, should donuts be considered, especially when production targets that are not only health related, is of interest.
The authors examined donuts the relationship between production and 19 risk factors for well-being, that can change the social and mental health risks, occupational risks and economic health donuts risk. The study involved surveys that were conducted at the study's start, and after one year. In this 12-month donuts period, employers initiated a program of multi-dimensional improvements to promote wellness in the workplace. Employers also chose a series of measures. This could eg be measurements of environmental factors in business, counseling in the management of chronic diseases, guidance on various measures that affect health risks - such as smoking cessation, exercise and a healthy diet. Among other measures, it was to maintain a better offer in the cafeteria, changes donuts in the physical and psychosocial work environment, subsidized training, economic stimuli to increase physical activity and healthy eating, and access to the program that gave financial education and counseling. The aim of it all was to promote wellness by reducing the employees' individual risk, and create a supportive environment.
References Shi, Yuyan, Sears, Lindsay E, Coberley, Carter R, Pope, James E.. The Association Between Modifiable Risks Well-Being and Productivity: A Longitudinal Study in Pooled Sample Employer. Joem; 55: 353-64. ...
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