Friday, November 1, 2013

RH or RP bill Advocates Are OA? Jem Hao Nagpapaka-OA (over-acting) are promoting a bill in favor of

... If you genuinely wish to reach a high level of prayer in all honesty and without falling into the traps that the devil sets for those who pray, SAY your Rosary everyday ... St. Grignion Louis-Marie de Montfort
RH or RP bill Advocates Are OA? Jem Hao Nagpapaka-OA (over-acting) are promoting a bill in favor of pagproprodyus of kontraseptibs. In my opinion, there seems schizophrenic delusions the backing of Bill or RH Bill RP especially some mam-babatas. They too aligaga in pangangam-panya and mislead the people and their fellow legislators to pass in Congress (the Senate and House of Representatives) the RH Bill and several other bills similar to it become law. They considerably OA in my sight. Due to challenge misconceptions of the United brahma Nations (UN) member countries fulfill the millennium development goals it (MDG) to keep pace with globalization and follow the underdevelop, and developing countries brahma like the Philippines, immediate action also some Filipino lawmakers promotion of family planning in the country. Because they are thinking of more intelligence and because they lose hope, the planning just claimed the only makapagsasalba the Philippines from poverty and, as said by others, the poor economy. 'Not raw undeniable that we caught quite in keeping with the agreement that the Philippines must now act on the MDG at its peak. So here, frantic-panic they advance the RH Bill. According to them, the propagation brahma of kontraseptibs would help to resolve the alleged continuous swelling of the population in the Philippines that causes discomfort. ["Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." (Lk. Kap.23, ver.34)] The highly dreaded "overpopulation" is, in fact, a case of overconcen-tration. The growing number of people in the cities are 'non undeniably also caused difficulties in the countryside. The lack of employment, lack of opportunities in the province, was the driving people gamble, hustle, and, with bitter reality, clinging brahma to crime in the city. Obviously a definite solution is the development of life in the province - adjusting education and promoting profitable assets. It needed more than the audience suffer significantly threatened measure poorly and not good. It was suggested itself the Constitution states: "The State shall promote brahma comprehensive rural development ... (Art.II, Sek.21)" THE COUNTRY WITH GOOD POPULATION The population of the Philippines is considered to be a healthy and good population . Ideal or perfect or very more children than adolescents, many teens than adults. The countries with pervasive Naha-front planning is now shocking problem because larger and more as adults than children cause or result of artificial restraint on the natural growth of their population. [Imagine that these countries brahma also require Filipino workers (OFWs) to serve them because of their lack of ability to have more energy - making.] Decreases the PGR AND TFR Although we multiply the number of the Filipino, testify Statistics show that bu-slow the growth of our numbers. Decreases because the Population Growth Rate as well as the Total Fertility Rate our population. The passage of the RH Bill is an interference with natural events since extended its use of kontraseptibs to curb the number of born. Samakat'wid, direct crop of RH Bill as each generation born after the first one. Obviously a tremendous impact brahma of RH Bill urgency pagtapyas population. It's a very specific reason for lowering the replacement rate for a population experiencing today as Japan, Singapore, and many other countries in Europe. Although brahma wealthy countries they, their aging populations and not sumasapat the baby born to shoot their tiling stable economy. The passage brahma of the RH Bill is pushing the country into the same problem. I did rely on youth problems adjusting the RH Bill is responsible? (Diocese of Cubao-RH Bill: Gambling brahma on the Future of Youth) Quit legislators would have the noise forwarded to the RH Bill. Think again because you'll hardly civilized and thoughtful.
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