Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Parent: Mr. Pantodimo, should not have to answer you, if ...

NEWS IN 1 'What does your sofa while away from home ...? (Video) bolo de chocolate Those who loved solitude The anachronistic custom of dowry in Greece (photos) Syriza: "Detox" of Western Macedonia from gounemporio! Katerini: murdered his girlfriend and hid her corpse in a deserted house
METRO: Executives for Cash & Carry Kastoria
Summer and tequila ... The key ingredient in the production of tequila is a type of "Immortal", the Agave tequilana. Indeed, Mexico is a national product. The high sugar production (fructose) in the plant nucleus is the main feature which makes it suitable for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. The tequila produced by removing plant heart to twelve years. The distillate is a clear liquor with a light fragrance called bolo de chocolate mezcal. One of the most popular forms of mezcal is tequila ....
The original blue tequila is produced exclusively from blue "immortals" of Weber variety grown only in certain states of Mexico. The Immortal called Agave and came to Europe by the Spaniards and Portuguese explorers in the 16th century. The name comes from the Agave, bolo de chocolate daughter of Cadmus and sister of Semele and means admirable or noble. It is a relative of yuccas, but not of cacti and is most characteristic plant of the Mediterranean landscape. This species has spread throughout Greece and although called "immortal" after flowering the plant dries. But the flowering stem remains standing for a few years. At the root of establishing new plants that give after 10 to 20 years new flowering. It remains unknown whether the Greek plant can send Tequila good quality ....
In Mexico tequila consumed shots in two ways: first glyfontas salt from the so called "anatomical cigarette case" of the hand (the interval between index and thumb to reduce the "burning" of the alcohol) and then biting a lemon slice (or lime ) to enhance the aftertaste (tequila cruda). The second way is the three shots that their colors are reminiscent of the flag of Mexico namely tequila blanco (white), lime juice (green) and sangrita (a spicy blend of red chillies and tomato juice). Add a slice of orange customary in dark tequila ....
December 2, 2014 16:45
November 27, 2014 11:58
Parent: Mr. Pantodimo, should not have to answer you, if ...
Kastoria: '' We went we saw ... we suggest '' (video) Kastoria: Eventually you shop opens in the area of the old '' Lago ''; This will be the new café opens in Kastoria! Kastoria: Big problem with Digea - What areas will not see any channel! (Map) Kastoria: In a festive atmosphere the swearing in TEI (photographs - video) The new Board team (photos) And again 5s JOKER in Kastoria! Just now: Rolling bolo de chocolate in Kostarazi - Obscure driver (photos) Bomb in the Greek market: End of an era for the famous dairy Argos Orestiko: Fun and dancing in traditional distilling raki (photos)

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